Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) have been in the news lately, and I think it is a great thing! Don't get me wrong, I am totally opposed to GMO's but I think the fact that people are becoming more aware and interested in the ingredients in foods that they are eating is a great thing, and a conversation that I welcome.
So let's start the conversation. I will start at the very basics, so jump ahead if you already know this.
What are GMO's?
GMO's are Genetically Modified Organisms. Okay, well what is that? GMO's are organisms, or products, that have been altered by scientists. Basically scientist find organisms that have desired traits (such as pest resistance), and take the DNA that contains that trait and splice the DNA into a different organisms. The hope is that the altered organism will then exhibit those traits. For example: Currently when you bite, or cut, into an apple it starts to brown. That can be less appealing. So scientists take a gene that can suppress the enzyme that causes the browning, and insert it into the DNA of the apple. Then presto, you have an apple that does not brown (technically it will still eventually brown, but much slower than a Non-GMO apple). Seems like a great idea to me! But wait. Are we SURE?
I think the answer to that is...
The GMO industry and their fancy scientist will tell you that it is completely safe. That they have tested the GMO's and they prove to be as safe as the unaltered product. Huh. Well, that sounds fair. People much smarter than I are saying it is all good. So why do I still have reservations. Unfortunately there is a ton of misleading information that has been put out (from both sides of the debate). This makes the research process even more difficult. If you are interested in all the science behind the debate, there are a couple sites that will go deep into the topic. On the pro-GMO side there is the
Grocery Manufacturer Association or the
Non-GMO Project for the Con side of the issue. I hope you can make sense of all the crazy allegations and mud throwing. I cannot. However, this has made the answer to the question of "Are we sure GMO's are safe?" really easy for me. No! Maybe one day there will be adequate testing, retesting, and long term studies showing GMO's are safe, but until that day...
I know for me and my family the answer is...No!
Image courtesy of Mister GC at FreeDigitalPhotos.net