We had a wonderful Christmas holiday. It was very low key. We decided to not do presents this year, and we didn't do them. I was quite proud of us. Usually we say we will limit it to... but then at the last minute, all hell breaks loose and takes the budget with it. This year, any presents we gave were hand made. We did our usual crocheted blankets, hats and scarves. We also did a lot of canning of our wonderful organic garden surplus, and gave that to people as well. I have to say it was one of my favorite Christmas holidays.
I didn't spend time feeling guilty for spending too much or too little, picking the wrong gift, picking the wrong color, etc. I also didn't spend all of January trying to figure out how to pay off everything. Without all this chatter in my brain I was able to spend the holidays doing what I should be...Celebrating the birth of Jesus, spending time with my amazing family and friends, and enjoying all that is Christmas. Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday, and welcome to 2015.
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