Knock, Knock...Who's There?

About 8 months ago, there was a knock at my door. I had just put on my bathing suit, as I was headed outside to the hot tub. I thought it was my neighbor so I answered in my towel. Nope, not my neighbor. Instead it was 2 people decked out in their Sunday best. My mind raced ...who are these well dressed, smiling people on my porch. Then it struck me...I had just opened my door to the Jehovah's Witnesses. 

I am not one to slam the door in peoples faces, so I stepped out on the porch to talk. We had spoken for about 2 minutes, when I realized I still was wearing nothing but a swim suit and towel. I wonder how that looked to them. They probably were horrified at the sight. But we keep talking.  I have a strong faith, but will admit it has been some time since the local church had seen my face. But the Jehovah's Witnesses!? come on, total cult, now standing at my door. What should I do, I pondered. Close the door and run? Tell them thanks, but no thanks? Sell the house and move? 

Next thing I knew they were in the house, on the couch and I was sharing cookies. We talked. We laughed. I cried. Not once did I feel that they were going to make me drink some "Kool-Aid". Not once did I feel like I should shave my head and put on a robe. Nope, these people just wanted to share the Bible with me. To talk about God. They even looked up everything in the bible. My Bible. I am not sure that everyone in the Jehovah's Witnesses organization is like the kind, non-judgmental, loving people that have showed up at my home. However, I can say that for the past 8 months they (I probably have met 10 different witnesses) have come into my house once a week, and have studied the Bible with me. Not lectured me. Not judged me. Just studied with me. I have learned a lot. I continue to learn a lot. I think they have even learned a thing or two from me (I do make a great cup of tea). I know that God sent these people to my door that day. I know that God is at our study group. I also know I am so thankful I answered the door that day. 

Next time someone knocks on your door, don't hide behind the couch, go and answer the door. Worse case, you say "thank you", and go about your day. Best case, maybe you find that these strangers help you learn more about God and his kingdom. I know that by simply opening up the door that day, I have become a better person, I have a stronger relationship with God and I have found some amazingly kind people that I am proud to call friends. 

If you are interested in having a Bible study group, but don't want to wait for the knock on the door, you can request a Bible study online. If you have questions about the organization check out the Jehovah's Witnesses website.

New Giveaway

I am so excited to bring you a new giveaway.
Perfect for any kitchen, the giveaway will make any chef smile. So make sure to check it out.  I just think it is so beautiful! It would almost be a shame to use it...but I bet I could get past that. :)

John Boos Co Cutting Board Giveaway 

Christmas Tree Up

So excited. Our Christmas Tree is up. Isn't it beautiful! My husband did such a great job. It makes me smile :)

Christmas Decorations

Put up the Christmas Lights on the trees in the yard today. I am so pleased. The freshly falling snow has settled on the branches, and it looks magical.  God Bless!

Winter Wonderland

Woke up today to the most beautiful scene. While we slept, the fog in the area froze and the trees were blanketed by the most intricate ice/frost. It was just gorgeous. I know the photos do 
not do it justice, but still wanted to share...



Gingerbread Cookies and "Divine" Hot Chocolate

Today my husband made Gingerbread Cookies, and divinity. I love the cookies! The divinity was very sugary, so I decided to make hot chocolate and have the divinity be the "marshmallows". It was divine for sure!  

Divine Hot Chocolate and Gingerbread Cookies

Iced Tea

You have heard of Sun Tea... in the north we drink ICED tea...literally. 

I LOVE tea. I drink a lot of Raspberry Tea in the summer and switch to Chai tea for the winter. I like tea, iced. I am not a fan of hot drinks (except for hot chocolate). So today I made some chai and wanted to cool it fast so I could drink it. I looked outside, and decided the snow would do the trick.  20 minutes later, best iced tea ever!!  

ICED Tea ;)

Firewood sled

Winter is definitely upon us. We do most of our home heating with wood, which my husband cut, chopped and stacked during the summer. The wood shed it about 100 yards from the house. Not to big of a deal...until he has to hand carry the wood, in the snow/ice. He had to make about 10 trips, to fill up our wood rack in the house.  
We decided to buy a sled to fill with the idea we could stack wood on the sled and drag it to the house. 

I started shopping. Went to Walmart and the cheapest sled was $26.  Seriously...$26?!?!  Not only was it ridiculously expensive but it was a flimsy plastic and would not have been ideal. So instead...we bought a $10 oil drip pan, bent the front edge so it would not get stuck in snow, and used 4 screws to attach a tote to the pan, and added a rope. Now we have the BEST firewood sled. Thought I would share it. Hope it helps someone else.  

Firewood Sled - Saves time and my back!